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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the frequency of sessions?


Research has long supported that psychotherapy services are most beneficial when they occur

on a regular, weekly basis – particularly during the beginning stages of treatment. It is

important to plan to participate in weekly sessions until a mutually agreed upon decision is

made to shift the frequency of appointments.



How long will therapy take?


The amount of time (or sessions) it takes to “complete” therapy is highly variable. It is

dependent on your own progress and achievement of your therapy goals. In the beginning of

treatment, specific goals will be identified and then reviewed for progress as needed. Therapy

goals also tend to evolve as progress on your initial presenting treatment needs is made and so

it is helpful to be open and flexible to how your therapy needs may change over time.



How much does therapy cost?


Individual and/or family therapy sessions cost $140 for a 50-minute session. When indicated,

family therapy sessions may also be 90 minutes for $210. It is my pleasure to offer sliding scale

rates for college-age clients when I am able to do so.



When is payment due & what are payment options?


The full fee for your session is collected at or before the time of service via cash or credit/debit

card. Typically, credit/debit card payment is set up via IVY PAY, a credit/debit card payment

service specifically designed for licensed mental health therapists, prior to or at the initial

appointment. IVY PAY is a convenient payment option which securely records a debit or credit

card so you will not have to take the time for payment during your session. I do not bill for

services or carry account balances.



Do you accept insurance?


I am not contracted with insurance companies; therefore, I am considered an out-of- network

provider (versus in-network/paneled). If you have behavioral/mental health insurance benefits

(PPO) you may be eligible to submit a claim for reimbursement of out-of- network services. It’s

always a good idea to check. If your insurance does have out-of- network benefits, you pay me

in full at time of service and upon your request I will provide you with a customized monthly

receipt referred to as a Superbill – for you to submit for reimbursement to your insurance

provider. Superbills are a receipt of services paid for with the necessary diagnostic and billing

codes for insurance processing. Please be aware that mental health diagnoses do become a

part of permanent medical records. I make no guarantees about the level of reimbursement

you will receive from your insurance company.


I suggest you contact your insurance company, either online or via the member services

number located on the back of your insurance card, to ask questions about out-of- network

coverage as they pertain to your plan so that you can make an informed decision before

beginning therapy.



What questions should I ask my insurance company about out-of-network benefits?


  • Do I have out-of- network benefits for behavioral/mental health services?

  • Are the therapy and counseling services rendered by a licensed marriage and family therapist covered? My licensein the state of CA is MFC36943

  • Is any pre-approval required before obtaining out-of- network mental health services in order to be reimbursed?

  • If I have out-of- network benefits, will I be reimbursed the full amount I paid or a portion?

  • Do I have a deductible and if so, what is it?



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© 2018 by JoAnn Fitzpatrick, MA, MFT. MCF36943.

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